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Terms Conditions

Our Terms of Business and Essential Booking Information


We are committed to a policy of fair business practices and we make every effort to ensure that you have an enjoyable holiday with us. As a lead booker, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or over and will be one of the guests staying at the property booked. When you make a booking with us and we accept the booking, a legally binding contract is made between us. Your basic responsibility is to pay the price of your holiday, additionally accept the stated liabilities should you wish to alter or cancel any of the pre-determined confirmed arrangements. Our responsibility is to provide you with the holiday that you have booked. The terms and conditions below clearly mention our obligation to you and your commitment to us.Kindly, please read these terms and conditions carefully before you confirm your booking with us.




  1. Providing Your Holiday:
    Our minimum holiday booking period unless agreed otherwise in writing is three nights except for the peak period(15th December to 7th January) when the minimum stay is one week. After receiving your 50% advance and security deposit, we will send you a confirmation email detailing exactly what is booked for you. At this stage,we have accepted your booking in accordance with the terms laid down in the booking conditions. Kindly, check the confirmation email sent carefully. Please email us immediately if for any reason any information appears to be incorrect.If we are notified immediately only then it is possible to make changes or alterations.It is our responsibility o provide the holiday as per our confirmation email. If you cancel or alter your booking later, you may have to pay a small amendment charge. We reserve the right to refuse/cancel your booking without assigning any reason. If we do cancel your reservation, we will refund any money already paid in advance as soon as possible.

  2. Occupying/Vacating your accommodation:
    The earliest check-in time is 2.00 PM. For our properties to be adequately prepared for new arrivals, we request that you vacate the villa by 10.00 AM on the day of your departure. When making your travel arrangements please consider these timings. Early arrival or late departure can be requested subject to availability and payment of an additional charge.

    Our staff will personally meet you during check-in time up to 5.00 PM IST. We can accommodate arrivals after this time ONLY. If you are using a Taxi Service recommended by us for your airport transfers,we can handover the keys to the taxi driver and he will handover the same to you on arrival.'

  3. Our Price Guarantee:
    All our villa and apartment prices include the accommodation booked plus the complimentary services we provide (see Services for details). Prices are guaranteed at the time of booking. We do, however, reserve the right to vary the published rates of any optional upgrade or additional charges ten-weeks before departure.

  4. If We Have to Cancel Your Holiday:
    In the unlikely event that we must cancel your booking due to circumstances beyond our control, we shall make every endeavour to offer you suitable alternatives (without any charge). If the alternative is not acceptable for any reason, kindly notify us and we will refund the entire amount paid by you. However, the above offer does not apply when the cancellation from our end arises due to non- payment/late payment of the balance amount due to us.

  5. Circumstances Beyond Our Control "Force Majeure":
    Kindly note that we shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from any matter outside the reasonable control of the company, including (but not limited to) acts of god, war, terrorism, civil disturbance, strikes or other industrial actions, acts of government or local panchayat and failure of public supplies,for example internet &cable TV services, water, electricity supplies and electricity voltage which may fluctuate and at times may be insufficient to power air-conditioning units particularly during peak usage periods. Neither are we responsible for communal swimming pools nor noise or disturbance originating beyond the boundaries of the holiday accommodation. In addition, we do not accept liability where the performance and/or prompt performance of our contract is affected or prevented by reason of circumstance amounting to “force majeure.”

  6. Our Liability to You: 
    We are not liable for claims related to emotional, psychiatric injury, distress, loss/ damage to your baggage,loss/ damage or anything occurring from the results of theft or attempted theft. Our maximum liability in any claims will be limited to the cost of your stay with us. We bare no legal liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, personal injury or unfortunate/sudden arising directly or indirectly of your stay with us.

  7. Property safety:
    We do not claim that any villa is always totally child-friendly, and precaution should always be taken, especially around the unfenced pool areas by adult supervision for your child. Undoubtedly, we always take precautions to ensure that reasonable/appropriate care has been taken to address matters within the borders of our properties. Having said that, some of our villas are better suited than others for young children and less mobile, therefore, we advise you to fully investigate the suitability of the property before you book. Despite our efforts and advice given, it is ultimately your responsibility for the care and safety of all members of your group.

  8. Third party suppliers:
    We do not accept any liability for the quality, type of services or goods provided by our third-party suppliers,whom we mention or recommend on our site and communication or to whom we have linked our site. It is for you to make your own judgment about the quality of such providers and you agree to use them at your own risk.

  9. Dealing with complaints:
    For any reason, should you run into any problem on your holiday, you must immediately call us and additionally, send an email with all details at as soon as possible. We must be given an opportunity to resolve any issues brought to our attention and acceptable allowances made regarding the amount of time taken to rectify the problem.

  10. Website & Communication Accuracy:
    We have attempted to describe the accommodation on offer to the best of our ability, but due to the individuality of the properties,it is almost impossible to cover every minute detail appertaining to each one in a brochure and website description. Additional,furnishings and equipment may be replaced or updated as we constantly strive to maintain and improve our properties which may not reflection our website or brochure images. We have also tried to describe the location of the properties as accurately as possible. However, village life goes on even if you are on holiday and the quiet location we may have described could suddenly become very noisy from local church or temple festivals which are celebrated throughout the year. It is practically impossible to notify you of these specific festivals or events;however,we do our best. There may be occasions when an advertised facility is modified or not available. Such situations may be dictated by local circumstances, for example; maintenance, water shortages, unsuitable weather conditions, fuel shortages, reduced power supplies and other circumstances beyond our control. If we are advised of any of these we always make it a priority to notify you as soon as possible however, we cannot be held liable in such unpredictable circumstances. It is also important to note that some facilities, such as restaurants and communal pools may always not operate in the season. We regret that we are unable to cover every eventuality in our website and brochures.




  1. Booking Your Holiday:
    At the time of booking you as lead booker must inform us on behalf of yourself and all other people on whose behalf the booking is made (including people substituted or added by agreement) and pay a deposit of 50% of the total property rental. When you send your booking enquiry you are confirming that you understand and have accepted our booking conditions. Should you cancellater, then cancellation charges will become payable in accordance with Number 5. Please note that your booking is only confirmed once you receive a confirmation email.To facilitate a smooth and comfortable transition for the arrival and departure of our guests, we have fixed the check in time as not earlier than 2.00 PM and the check out time not later than 10.00 AM.

  2. Paying For Your Holiday:
    After your booking is confirmed and the predetermined advance deposit received, a confirmation email will be sent to you giving you all details of the accommodation booked, dates, security deposit, any additional items bookedas well as the total cost due showing applicable Goods & Services Tax. This confirmation email acts as a contract between the person to whom it is addressed and us. This contract/agreementis based on the understanding that you, on behalf of yourself and all the other persons on whose behalf the booking is made, have read and understood "Our Terms of Business." A full payment (and security deposit) is due no later than seven days before your arrival date.We reserve the right to cancel your holiday (and invoke cancellation charges as mentionedin Number 5) if for any reasonpayment has not been received by the predetermined due date.If you make a holiday booking within your departure date then you must pay the full cost of the holiday at the booking stage. When you pay for your holiday using a credit card, we reserve the right to levy a handling charge. There is no charge for debit cards. Most importantly, credit card or debit card information is not stored in any retrieval system or storage system by the company. The client for all online payments is taken to the principal payment gateway site for completion of the transaction.Overseas bank transfers may incur a charge to cover the collection charges.

  3. Security Deposit: 
    A refundable security deposit of INR 20,000/- is required at the time the final balance is paid. This will be refunded within 14 days of your return at par less any deductions for loss or damage. The amount will be directly credited to your bank as per the details given by you at the time of booking.We reserve the right to retain the security deposit either in part or in full to cover damage, theft or breakages. This may also include additional cleaning costs for spills, stains, etc. Receipts for repairs/replacements will be provided in the unlikely event that such retention of the security deposit is required. We reserve the right to pursue a guest for compensation for any and all damages caused which may exceed the value of the security deposit and will require payment within seven days of being served notice of this. Failure to pay the security deposit by the due date may result in the cancellation of the booking and forfeit of all monies.

  4. Making Changes To Your Holiday:
    If you wish to change any details of your booking we will do our best to help, however we give no guarantee in this regard and any alterations after the final balance has been paid (10 weeks before departure) will carry an alteration fee of Rs.2000/- per amendment. All alterations should be notified in writing by the person making the booking. Please make every effort to inform our office via email if there are any last minute changes to your arrival arrangements. If you fail to do this, any additional transfer costs will be charged locally.

  5. Cancelling Your Holiday:
    Should you wish to cancel your booking once it has been accepted by us, we need written instructions from the person who made the booking. The cancellation will take effect from the day the written confirmation is received. If you cancel after we confirm your booking, youwill need to compensate us for losses, as we incur costs from the moment you make the booking. The following scale of cancellation charges apply: 

    We are unable to refund any Goods & Services Tax which has been added to the holiday invoice as this amount will have been deposited with the Government Treasury at the time the payment was made. For a refund of the Goods & Services Tax you have paid, you will have to apply directly to the Goods & Services Tax Department.In the unlikely event that we have to cancel your holiday due to reasons beyond our control, all efforts will be made to arrange alternative accommodation within Candolim itself. If, despite our efforts, a similar, alternate place is not available, we will refund all payments advanced to us. The above terms will not apply when the cancellation is the consequence of non-payment of any part of the cost of the accommodation. We shall not be made liable if the cancellation, loss or damage occurs due to natural calamities/disasters, strikes, industrial disputes, war, government actions etc., or any damages due to erratic water supply or electrical dysfunction.

  6. Our Accommodation:
    The holiday accommodation is booked exclusively for the people named on the booking form. No other person may use the accommodation without our express permission. The villas are booked for normal holiday use only. It is absolutely prohibited to engage in illegal or immoral activities within the private boundaries of the property. If we become aware of or are notified that you are involved in any such activities or you are behaving in such a way as to cause danger, distress or annoyance to others or damage property, your holiday arrangements shall be terminated immediately. If such a situation may arise then, we shall have no liability to you and shall not be responsible for making any refund, paying any compensation or meeting any costs or expenses you incur as a result. Additionally, you must meet any expenses we incur as a result of your behavior. Please note pets/animals are not allowed.

  7. Registered Guests:
    Only those people stipulated at the time of booking may reside at the property as guests. Please notify us of any changes you wish to make. Should our property staff find that the people staying at the property differs from that on the booking form, the additional/substituted guest(s) will be subject to a per night surcharge or asked to vacate the property immediately. Smoking is prohibited inside the villas, though it is permitted on the balconies, patios and terrace. Your co-operation is requested and appreciated. The lead person is responsible for conduct and appropriate behavior of all guests residing at the property. Should any guest(s) not behave in an appropriate manner our property staff has the absolute discretion to ask the offending guest(s) to vacate the property immediately.

    The Sound Pollution Law in India is very strict and rigid. It is prohibited by law to play loud amplified music after 2200 hours (10 PM). We are located in a residential complex where loud music, crackers and various other loud noises, may disturb the neighbourhood and are absolutely not acceptable and non-negotiables. Guests who do not respect this regulation will be asked to check-out immediately and all payments made for bookings will be forfeited as cancellation charges. The local Panchayat and police are very strict and any negligence is penalised. Guests are requested to take care of their valuables and personal belongings.Lockers are provided in every property and we are not responsible in any way for your loss/theft to your cash and valuables.

  8. Use of Property:
    In compliance with Indian Law we will require the following documentation:
    For Indian Nationals: Each member of the group should bring with them an identity proof and a photocopy of one of the following: – Aadhar card, Passport, Driving License, PAN card. 
    For Non-Indian Nationals: Each member of the group should carry a passport with a valid Indian visa and a photocopy of the photograph and visa pages which have to be handed over to us immediately upon arrival.
    All bookings are assumed to be for normal holiday purposes only, and guests agree that the use of the Property will be limited to this purpose unless,otherwise specifically addressed by us and confirmed in writing.If guests are planning to hold an event or party, which involves people not residing at our property, or if the guest is planning to use the property for a purpose other than holiday, please communicate this to us at the time of booking, as special approval or arrangements may be required. Depending on the nature of the event, a surcharge and/or additional security deposit may be required, which will be agreed and confirmed in writing prior to confirming the reservation. The price charged is for domestic use only and not commercial. This rate does not allow for extra wear associated with excessive functions in terms of cleaning, garbage removal, wear and tear, repairs etc. Any commercial/large functions must be agreed upon in advance and any associated fees paid prior to occupancy. Use contrary to this may result in additional payments, termination of rental and/or loss of bond.

  9. Arrival & Departure:
    If these timings are a problem, please advise at the time of booking. We cannot guarantee changes made after the booking. Check-in and check-out times can be modified to suit your travel plans; this will depend on guests checking-out on the day of your arrival and guests checking-in on the day of your departure. Please check with us before confirming your travel arrangements. Prior to your departure, please make sure to return all keys and remote controls of appliances belonging to the villa. The replacement value of the lost and/ or damaged items will be charged.

  10. Breakage & Damage:
    We also reserve the right to charge for damages or breakages not reported and discovered at the time of departure, as mentioned in Number 3 of the above section. All breakages or damages to the accommodation must be reported immediately and these must be paid for locally before vacating the villa or deducted from your refundable security deposit. We also reserve the right to charge for damage or breakages not reported and found after departure. Guests will be liable for any damages caused to the allocated room(s) or to the premises or property, by them or any person in the group (whether staying with us or not) during the stay. Our villas are decorated with art and artifacts. We kindly request our guests to ensure that no damage is caused to these precious and valuable items. Children are welcome. We request their parents/guardians to keep an eye on them so they do not damage any furniture or the decor. 

  11. Swimming Pool Details:
    The pool timings : 9.30 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult in swimwear.People with long hair must wear a swimming cap.For hygiene reasons, all people are requested to take a shower before using the pool.People under the influence of alcohol/drugs are requested not to use the pool.Pets, attendants, drivers, servants or associates are not permitted in the swimming pool.People suffering from any skin or other infectious disease are advised not to use the swimming pool.Diving into the pool is not allowed. Pool users are requested to maintain decorum at all times.Kindly keep all valuables in the lockers provided in your accommodation. The management will not be held liable for loss of any valuables or other personal belongings left around the pool area. Guests swim at their own risk; we will not be responsible for any injuries while using pool facilities.

  12. Booking Procedure:
    Please fill and submit the online enquiry form. We will get back to you on the availability of requested stay. Our acknowledgement mail will contain payment details and a link to the booking form along with the confirmation of the reservation, the rental price and deposit required.A non-refundable deposit of 25% of the rental price is required at the time of booking. If the booking is within 10 weeks of the start of your holiday the full amount is due.We allow five working days from the date of your reservation for the booking form and payment to reach us. Following this period, your reservation will be released automatically.The full balance is due ten-weeks prior to the booked date.On receipt of the full balance, we will send a confirmation of your booking.Holiday accommodation is booked exclusively for people named in the booking forms. 



This contract is governed by the Indian Law and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts and Tribunals in the State of Goa. 
Delta Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. operating as “Blue Palm Villas” in the state of Goa
Registered Office: G/17 Dahanukar Building,480 Kalbadevi Road, Mumbai-400002. India.


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